I just got back from celebrating with my family swimming, four-wheeling, and, of course shooting off fireworks on Grandpa's farm.
As we celebrate our freedom let us first bow in worship to The One who has shed His grace on our country. And let us pray and live in such a way that will turn this nation back to Jesus Christ; before it's too late.
I love my country, and I'm so thankful for those who founded this nation on the gospel of Jesus Christ. I am also indebted to those who have paid (and are paying) for our freedom with their lives. To all who call America their home, and consider our freedom a blessing, this is for you:
You heard them pray we seek you Lord
You watched them write those fateful words
And now we see our greatness, blessings from Your hand
And lord I thank You, there were those who chose to stand
One Nation Under God, how can we be
One Nation Under God, until we see
Blessed is the nation, whose God is the Lord
One Nation Under God forevermore
Their lives they chose to sacrifice
Press on to freedom, pay freedom’s price
Yet with the battles won, so much was gained
Discerning hearts would labor on in order to maintain
One Nation Under God, How can we be
One Nation Under God, until we see
Blessed is the nation, whose God is the Lord
One Nation Under God forevermore
Have we forgotten, the One who has delivered
We are mistaken to let this bond be severed
Time has brought new battles, we must not wait
When America ceases to be good, she ceases to be great
One Nation Under God, humble us to be
One Nation Under God, until we see
Blessed is the nation, whose God is the Lord
One Nation Under God… -One Nation Under God written by Kaleb KruegerMay we praise God for His grace and pray for revival as we celebrate our nation's freedom. Happy 4
th of July everyone!