There's a lot of sleeping going on around here...my band and I are touring in Alabama this weekend so we had to leave pretty early. Since I'm one of the only ones awake at the moment, I thought I would snap a few pics! (I'm going to pay for this later!) lol
Even though it may not look like it, we're very excited for what God has in store for us this weekend! Please pray for lives to be touched and souls to be saved! See you soon.
Hope you guys have a safe trip. We are praying for you at home!!!
Everlasting, Your light will shine when all else fades
Never ending, Your glory goes beyond all fame
And the cry of my heart is to bring You praise
From the inside out Lord, my soul cries out
you stinker
LOL! I was talking with Jacob the other day, and he mentioned that the Lord has called us into rest. Now I know why. =) I hope you guys had an amazing experience with God, each other, and the group you were working with while you were down in Alabama! I am sure I was not the only one praying deeply for your guys' safety and a good time.
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