Saturday, October 11, 2008

If My people...

Dear brothers and sisters and fellow Americans,

I'm writing to you from a heart that is heavy for our nation.

Do we take our freedoms for granted? Freedom of speech, freedom from want, freedom from fear and most importantly our freedom to worship God openly and proclaim the life that He gives? Do we realize that these freedoms are being threatened? Do we care? Do we realize that this next election is quite possibly the most critical election in the history of the United States of America? Do we know that there are people who want to see America fall into the hands of those who hate all that we stand for?

That's a lot of questions, I know. But I pray that you would take time to prayerfully ponder them. And here's the biggy: What are you going to do about it?

This is not the time for Americans who value their freedoms to be complacent or passive in even the slightest way. Now is the time when we must boldly stand up. And may I say that by "stand up" I mean fall flat on our faces before a Holy God; before the One who gave us these freedoms and who calls us to stand up for them. So I'm asking you, no, begging you to act. I'm begging you to get informed about the candidates running for office, especially for the office of President. I'm begging you to prayerfully make your decisions. And I beg you to realize that God will judge this world, including America, it's leaders, and those who vote for them.

2 Chronicles 7:14 says this: if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

I know we hear that verse a lot. But what if we actually did what it says? What if we go a step further and set aside a specific time each day that we will commit to pray specifically for our nation, its future leaders, and the process of establishing those leaders? Will you join me between 7 and 9pm each night until November 4th in humbly seeking God's face? Whether it's around the dinner table, at your bed-side, as a small group or individually, will you commit to this? Once you begin praying please write in and comment on this blog so that others can see how God is working through this commitment to pray. Lastly, would you please copy/paste this following message into an email and send it to all of your contacts? Let's get the word out. Let's actually do what God calls us to do and let's anticipate all He will do in return. Please send this message to your emailing list:

Dear fellow Americans,

Will you join me in lifting up our nation, this coming election, and the process of selecting our future leaders in prayer? Each day between 7pm and 9pm from now until November 4th believers across America will be seeking the face of God on behalf of our nation, on behalf of our leaders, and on behalf of this election. Please join in this call to action, and let's anticipate all that God will do.

Thank you.

I look forward to what God is going to do through this for His glory.


1 comment:

Katlyn said...

Hey! I love that you're so bold and passionate about pushing and challenging others to take our Nation and this elesction seriously. It is definitely important and I will be praying for it from now until Nov 4 between 7 and 9. Thanks for was so eye-opening!