Saturday, February 9, 2008

The Cross

Friends and family,

As believers, I think we all-too-often forget the amazing work that was completed on the cross. Yet, the cross is the one essential element to who we are as believers! As Jesus' torn body was hanging there, suffering bodily pain that we couldn't even imagine, He was enduring something that no one else could: a pain that far-surpassed anything that could be done to the body. The weight of every sin that would ever be committed, every one -from the most heinous crime that has ever been announced on public television, to the deepest, darkest evil thought ever to enter the human mind- every one of these sins was upon Jesus Christ while he was on the cross. Just before the death of the Savior of the world, God's only Son, Jesus spoke from the cross these three words of victory: "IT IS FINISHED". And at that moment, the great, insurmountable wall of separation that stood between the perfection of a Holy God and the depraved, sin-stained human race, was shattered. The door was thrown open, and God's amazing plan of salvation for the world was complete! The grave could not hold our Savior; He conquered death and lives to make intercession for His children. The invitation is open. Have you asked Jesus to be Lord of your life?

Believer, let's not fall into the tragedy of forgetting the power of what happened at the cross.
The cross is our hope, our strength, our life, and our salvation! That is why we sing...

" Mercy there was great, and grace was free, pardon there was multiplied to me, there my burden soul found liberty, at Calvary."


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